First and foremost, you can spend on your own card! As an additional cardholder, there are various actions that you can take over the phone with our support team at the number below. You are able to do the following via phone:
Open a dispute on a transaction
Report your card as lost or stolen
Freeze your card
Unfreeze your card if you placed the freeze originally*
Close your card
However, you cannot access your primary cardholder’s MyRocket dashboard or Rocket Money account. Here’s what your primary cardholder handles:
Making all payments
Viewing all transactions, including yours
Redeeming rewards
Taking any other online or in-app actions
Activating your card
Primary cardholders can also:
Open a dispute on one of your transactions
Freeze and unfreeze your card*
Close your card
Add additional cardholders
*If the primary cardholder places the freeze on an additional card, only the primary cardholder can unfreeze the card. If the additional cardholder places the freeze on their additional card, both the additional cardholder and primary cardholder can unfreeze the additional card.
Support team phone number: 1-866-994-7551
Monday – Friday: 9:00am – 9:00pm ET
Saturday: 10:00am – 3:00pm ET
All Rocket Visa Signature Cards are powered by Deserve and issued by Celtic Bank.