Late Fee Protection is a payment option that can help you avoid incurring a late fee* and potential negative impact to your credit score from missing a payment.
How it works:
If your due date is one day away and you have not made your minimum payment, Late Fee Protection will process a payment to cover your remaining minimum payment due. Late Fee Protection has your back.
We will always notify you two days before a Late Fee Protection payment is processed. If you ever need to cancel your payment, you have until 11:59 PM ET the day before your payment to turn off Late Fee Protection. Just head to the “Payments” tab. From here, you can disable the feature with just a click.
All Rocket Visa Signature Cards are powered by Deserve and issued by Celtic Bank. Visa is a registered trademark of Visa Inc.
*If any Late Fee Protection payment is returned unpaid by your financial institution for any reason, you may be charged a late fee and returned payment fee based on the terms and conditions in your Cardholder Agreement.